I once heard it said that people remember you, not by what you said, not by what you did, but by the way you made them feel. I cannot think of another person that this statement applies to more than Tina Niemann.
If you haven’t already heard, Tina passed away on June 14, 2013 after suffering a heart attack. The last time that I saw Tina, was at a luncheon at Bellerive Country Club. Tina saw me and came over and said “I just had to come over and speak to my favorite REALTOR “. Was I really her favorite REALTOR? I don’t know, but what I do know is that she made me feel like I was. Tina had the unique ability to make everybody feel good and I have to say she was an inspiration for me. Continue reading “Tina Niemann – A tribute to an amazing person“