What  Does  It  Mean  To  Be  In  A  Flood  Zone?

Flood  zones  are  land  areas  identified  by  the  Federal  Emergency  Management Agency (FEMA).  Each  area  of  land  is  mapped  and  labeled  into  a  flood  zone.  FEMA  flood  maps  include  zones that  are  broken  into  several  areas.

Here  are  the most  common  flood  zone  areas  that  you  will  see  in  Missouri:

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Why did I get a notice that says I have to have flood insurance?

You’ve owned your home for 20 years, and you’ve never been required to have flood insurance on your property. So why did you get a notice saying that you are required to have flood insurance or else your lender is going to impose it upon you now – after all these years?

Simply stated, The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) believes that your lot is now at risk for being flooded in the event of a 100 year flood.  FEMA creates Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) which depict and show where it is calculated that the water will spread in the event of a flood.  Because our communities’ landscape is constantly changing due to construction and population increase, the FIRMs become outdated and are no longer accurate.  In order to accurately depict where the flood waters will expand to, the FIRMs are updated as needed.

Interactive Online Flood Map for the U.S. Here

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Does FEMA show your property in a flood zone? How to find out if they got it right.

Shelly Clark

Do you have a property in the flood zone?  Do you question as to whether or not FEMA “got it right” when assessing the location of your property and if you really are in the flood zone?

Typically, in order to find out if your home is located in a flood zone, you have to hire a land surveyor or engineer to perform an elevation certificate on your property.  The certificate takes FEMA data and actual elevations of the structure and compares them to the FEMA Base Flood Elevation.  If your structure is located above the Base Flood Elevation, then you most likely won’t be required to carry flood insurance.  The problem is that FEMA does not store this data, unless you make a Letter of Map Change (LOMC) or Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) request. Continue reading “Does FEMA show your property in a flood zone? How to find out if they got it right.

How do I find my yard?

Shelly ClarkIt seems like a simple question, but do you really know the answer?  Where is your yard?  What do you really own?  Do you own everything inside your fence or everything outside of your neighbor’s fence?  Do you own up to where you’ve always mowed, or, do you own up to where the tree line is?  Do you own to where the utility pole is or to where the electric box is located?  Do you know the answer?

The answer is: none of the above.  Unless you know where your property corners are located, you don’t know what you own, or how to find your own yard.  There is a simple solution to this problem- have a boundary survey performed on your property. Continue reading “How do I find my yard?