St. Louis Home Sales Dip to a Decade Low, Prices See Modest Uptick

For the 12-month period ended October 31, 2023, there were 22,555 homes sold in the St Louis 5-county core market which, as the STL Market Report below (available exclusively from MORE, REALTORS®) shows, is a 17.38% decline in home sales from the the prior 12-month period when there were 27,200 homes sold.  The median price of homes sold during the most recent 12-month period was $275,000, an increase of 3.777% from the prior 12-month period.

St Louis home sales trend continues to fall….

Below the market report is a STL Market Chart showing (also available exclusively from MORE, REALTORS®) the 12-month home sales and home price trend for the St Louis 5-County core market since 1999.  The green line on the chart depicts the 12-month sales trend for each month for the past 10-years revealing a decline in the St Louis home sales trend for the past 12-months.  The 12-month home sales trend in St Louis is now at the lowest level since April 2013.

St Louis home price trend falling as well….

The red line on our chart tracks the median price per square foot for St. Louis homes sold over each 12-month period ending in the month indicated. It’s a given that home prices ebb and flow annually, peaking typically in the early summer months before tapering off during the winter. This year, the peak median price per square foot hit $194 in July, marking a modest 2.6% climb from the peak of the previous year. To put this in perspective, the previous year’s peak was a more robust 9.9% above the peak price of 2022.


STL Market Report – St Louis 5-County Core Market

(click on report for live, complete report)STL Market Report - St Louis 5-County Core Market

St Louis 5-County Core Market – 12-Month Home Sales & Price Trend – Since 1999St Louis 5-County Core Market - 12-Month Home Sales & Price Trend - Since 1999

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