Owning a home still the ‘American Dream’

Dennis Norman St Louis Realtor

A recent survey conducted on behalf of Money Management International (MMI), the largest nonprofit credit counseling agency in the U.S., showed that the majority of Americans still view home ownership as the “American Dream“. The survey found that 81 percent of people still put a lot of value in owning a home however the number of people who rent has increased from 34 percent to 38 percent since December.

Some other significant findings in the survey include:

  • Income is key when purchasing a home. A majority of respondents indicated that the ability to comfortably make a monthly payment is the most important factor to consider when purchasing a home. Only seven percent of respondents cited the ability to afford a down payment as a key factor when making the decision to become a homeowner.
  • Owning a home is a good investment. According to survey results, 69 percent of people believe that owning a home is still a good investment, despite the housing bubble.
  • The desire to own a home trumps renting. Reflecting attitudes consistent with the importance of homeownership to the Americans, 66 percent indicated in the survey that they would prefer to purchase a home rather than rent if they were in the position to change residence.
  • Lenders and financial professionals are the first choice when seeking help. When asked where they would turn in the event that they are unable to make their monthly mortgage or rent payment, 35 percent of people responded that they would contact a lender or financial professional. Attaining a second job was a close second, with 32 percent indicating they would look for more work in order to stay in their residence.

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