source: Federal Bureau of Investigation
Property fraud is a serious threat to homeowners, according to the FBI. A practice that was virtually unheard of until about 6 years ago is something called “house stealing” in which con artists identify a house to target and then steal it. How? It’s actually pretty easy. They get the owners name and personal information, which is easily obtainable today online, and then complete a few forms, forge the owner’s signature and the next thing you know, the con artist owns the house. Other fraudulent activity includes placing mortgages on property not owned by the crooks again using the stolen identity of the homeowner.
How can you protect yourself form property fraud and house stealing?
While house stealing can be a hard thing to detect, there is an easy step that can be taken by homeowners in the St Louis area that will help give early warning if something fraudulent is taking place on their home. The step to take is to register for the “Property Fraud Alert” service offered at no charge to all St. Louis area homeowners as well as many homeowners in out-state Missouri. This service is offered by the counties listed below and the way it works is you register your name and then anytime a deed is recorded in your name, you receive an email notification or phone call, depending on your preference. This could alert you when a deed or mortgage is recorded in your name that is fraudulent and allow you to take immediate action. Click on the link below for the county you wish to register with.
Cape Girardeau County
City of St Louis
Cooper County
Franklin County
Gasconade County
Hickory County
Jefferson County
Lafayette County
Marion County
Pettis County
Phelps County
St Charles County
St Francois County
St Louis County
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