If you are a property in St Louis county and do not agree with the value the St Louis County Assessor, the deadline for
property assessment appeals to the St Louis County Board of Equalization is
July 14, 2014. You can now file online by going to St Louis County’s website
here or you can download the forms by clicking here. If you are “old school” and want to go pick up the forms you can do that at the board of equalization office at 41 South Central.
This is not a reassessment year, however you can still appeal the assessment from last year if you did not previously do so. The property value in question will be the property value as of the last reassessment, January 1, 2013.
The board of equalization appear hearings will be held in July and August at two locations, in north county at 11130 Old St Charles Rock Road and in south county at 9059 Watson Road.
For more information:
- Call the board of equalization office at 314.615.7195
- Email the board of equalization at boe@stlouisco.com
- You can request advocate services by leaving a message on the advocate hotline at 314.515.4611 or contact them by email at advocate@stlouisco.com
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