Top 10 St Louis Areas Where Homes Sold The Slowest Last Month

While we still have muncipalities and neighborhoods throughout the St Louis metro area where homes are selling very quickly, there are some areas where it does take longer to sell a home.  The list below shows the 10 slowest selling cities in the St Louis MSA based upon the time it took homes to sell that closed within the last month.

At the top of the list is Herculaneum in Jefferson County Missouri where the average time to sell was 154 days, nearly 5 times the median time of 32 days for the St Louis MSA.  Of the remaining 9 cities on the list, 5 are in St Louis County, 2 are in Illinois, 1 in Franklin County and 1 in Laclede County.

St Louis MSA – Slowest SOLD Cities in Past Month

(click on table for complete, current list)
St Louis MSA - Slowest SOLD Cities in Past Month

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