Why Would You Do Business With Movement Mortgage?

Unfortunately today, when we see a headline such as the one in this article, we almost immediately think something bad…its’ hard not too. Considering everything we witness in life and see in the media day in and day out, it’s become normal to think “what have they done?..what are you going to tell me that is bad about them? What’s the dirt?”.

Well, I’m happy to say, I don’t have anything bad to say, I don’t have any dirt on them nor scandalous information but, please don’t stop reading because of that.:)

In fact I’m going to praise Movement Mortgage and it’s CEO Casey Crawford, not for the job they do with providing home buyers mortgages, nor the service they provide their customers, although both are great, but for what they do to give back to their community. I know there are a lot of great companies out there that give back, but I must applaud Movement Mortgage for not only doing so but doing so in a manner that is sustainable, will change for the good a neighborhood and, most importantly, have a positive impact on thousands of kids in the coming years. So, I”m going to answer the question why I think you would do business with Movement Mortgage.

What I’m talking about is something I heard about the other day, not from Movement but from a mortgage industry blog, The National Real Estate Post (NRP). On this blog, Brian Stevens of NRP interviewed Casey Crawford, the CEO of Movement Mortgage discussing a variety of topics including interest rates, Zillow leads, etc, however, later in the interview Brian asked Casey about “Movement School”. This is where I learned that Movement Mortgage had contributed $13 Million to buy an old K-Mart shopping center and build a new public charter school in a neglected part of Charlotte, South Carolina, the city where Movement’s National headquarters is located.

Please take a few minutes and watch this short excerpt from the interview to learn more about the school including an approach to “giving back” that, done in this manner, is sustainable for generations to come and could perhaps be a model for others.

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In the interest of full disclosure, my firm, MORE, REALTORS, has an advertising agreement with Movement Mortgage. The reason we choose to do this is because the way they operate their business, treat their customers, employees and community in a way that is consistent with our philosophy and how we try to operate our business. This article is an editorial by me, based upon my opinions and not an advertisement, nor am I or my firm receiving any compensation for it. In fact, while I did ask Casey Crawford for permission to use his video interview, he had no idea what I intended to write and will have the opportunity to see this article for the first time when I published it, just like you.

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