By: Dennis Norman
Legislation to protect St. Louis area residents from storm water fees for services they are not receiving was recently signed into law. Representative Tim Jones sponsored the legislation, which was amended to House Bill 661 during the 2009 session and was signed by the Governor on July 7th.
“When MSD refused to remove this unfair tax, I heard the voices of my constituents loud and clear. Although we knew it would be a touch mountain to climb to pass legislation of this magnitude in only one session, all of our hard work and diligence paid off. And now the ball is in MSD’s court to do the right thing, apply the law properly and cease the assessment of this unfair tax on the citizens of the 89th District and other citizens all across St. Louis County and City,” stated Representative Jones.
Rep. Jones’ legislation prohibits the Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District from assessing a district property owner any fee for storm water management services if the property uses a septic system and does not receive any other services from the district. Currently, the Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District charges an “impervious surface runoff surcharge” to all property owners within the district’s service boundaries regardless if they receive services from the district.
This new law goes into effect later this month on August 28th. I applaud the state legislature, particularly Rep Tim Jones, and the Governor, for stepping up to the plate and righting this wrong.
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