Babies and jobs key to real estate market recovery

st-louis-realtor-dennis-norman-real-estate-Two things are driving home buyers into the real estate market; babies and jobs, according to a survey just released by Coldwell Banker. According to the survey, 70% of real estate professionals surveyed say the “most common” reason buyers are searching for a new home today is a result of a new baby or growing family, followed closely by a relocation for a job. Other things driving buyers into the market include marriage, divorce and retirement.

The survey also showed that sellers are becoming more willing to do what it takes to get their homes sold. Of the real estate professionals surveyed:

  • 94 percent say their sellers are getting rid of clutter and making cosmetic updates, such as fresh paint and minor repairs.
  • 78 percent agree clients are willing to “de-personalize” the home.
  • 59 percent say sellers are even bringing in new home decorations or furniture to help make the home more appealing.


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